Only in California right?
We miss the beach so any opportunity to go is fine by us.
We literally spent the whole day there.
We started the fun with some family football.
Jordyn & Ryan vs. Daddy
First the boundaries had to be made...

That part was easy. It was the catching of the football that was hard

Maybe it's because you have quarterback Daddy firing the ball at you! :)

So Ryan moved on to hiking the ball. Much easier!

Well kinda!

What was Mommy doing? Trying to catch some rays!!!
(and taking pictures of course)

Unfortunately I don't have pictures of the actual game because I video taped it.
Funny footage let me tell you. The score was a million and twenty five to zero.
Hmmm who was keeping score?
I didn't think the kids would want to go in the water too!!!
It's freezing...why don't kids care?
I don't get it. BUT if I wanted pictures, guess who had to go in too? YUP!

So what's a beach day without sand play?
Can you guess what Ryan's making?

Waves of course. He's so creative!

To add to our fun, Kerri, Yannis, Zoie and Aly joined us. Cousin picture time!

We ended up walking around Main Street and taking in some of the fun 3 day holiday spirit.
In other words, it was crowded!
The sunset was beautiful though.

Oh I love this picture
Ryan was done by now with pictures!

I can't believe that the next week it rained!!