Saturday, March 28, 2009

Our Lil' Rascal

Ryan had quite a game for himself!

He was hustling after the ball...

He made great throw ins...

He was flat out going for it!

He was even heading towards the net to possibly make a goal!
But after 3 defenders,

He went down!
Oh, we were so proud of him though!

So back to handstands in the back fields he went...

Seriously though, I think he's starting to get it.
He's lovin' it! Thats what's most important.
He wakes up Saturday morning and throws his
uniform on. He can't wait for the game to start!


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ding Dong Ditch?

Five minutes ago (had to blog immediately) I experienced
one of the most sweetest things. Craig and Jordyn
left to go to softball practice. I was sitting on the couch
in the living room trying to finish up a scrapbook page.
Ryan goes out in the front yard. I hear the back yard gate
and I see him walking around with something green
in his hand. I just kept cutting away because I really
wanted to put all my scrapbooking stuff back.
Anyway, I hear a knock at the door. A pretty strong knock,
so I figured it was our neighbor wanting to play
with Jordyn or it was a sales person.
I kinda take my time to get up to answer the door.
When I get there, no one is there. I figured I took too
long to answer the door so they left. So I stand there for
a couple seconds, and then I looked down.
Tears immediately filled my eyes!!!

Then out popped Ryan with the biggest smile on his face.
He had gathered flowers from all around the house, filled up
a greeen plastic egg that he got from a neighbor (as he was
collecting flowers) and found a pink piece of paper and left
it all for me as a surprise. I think the pink paper was a grocery
list. He didn't know what it said but he knew it was my favorite
color paper and that it was a note of some kind.
He then told me he left me all these things because he loves me!

I feel so darn lucky to have a son like Ryan!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


If Ryan could move right now, he'd move to San Diego.
He just loves it there. Last year we went to Sea World
so this year it was time to go to the zoo.
We went with Auntie Kerri, Uncle Yannis, Zoie and Aly.

The biggest thing for the kids was to see a real live Panda.
Both Jordyn and Ryan are real into Panda's lately, especially Ryan

We had to wait in line...I thought Ryan was going to jump out of his skin.
It was so worth the wait..

This panda was soooo cute!

Elephants are always a favorite too!

What I found amazing this trip was the hippopotamus.
He was huge!

In the back ground there is a Koala Bear. They sleep 20 hours a day.
Guess what? They were all asleep!

The orangutans weren't. It's scary how human all the monkeys look!
Since Grandpa told Ryan about the bad habits monkeys "could" have, he was
hesitant to even see them! :)

We hit up the petting zoo too.

Just a cute picture of my boys!

We had lots of fun in our hotel too. It's become tradition
to get "hotel" food. Hotel food consists of hot tamales,
Mike & Ikes, and pringles. It's also a new tradition to do
a little jumping on the bed! Shhhh! :)

Mommy & Daddy love the hotel jacuzzi! :)

Super fun weekend. We got passes now so I can't wait to go again!
Thanks Mimi & Papa!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Bend it like Bubba!

It's here...Ryan's first soccer game.

R: "Mommy, was Jordyn nervous about her first
soccer game?"
M: "I don't know, why?"
R: "Because I'm a little nervous"
M: "Oh, I'm sure she was"

Of course, the first quarter he's the goalie!!
No pressure at all there!!
Luckily, the whole quarter was spent with whistles
blowing because the ball was constantly out of bounds. HA!

Overall, he did pretty good. He's the team favorite of course because he's
so small and cute. The mom's are wrapped! Surprise Surprise.
No one could be as wrapped as his own mom though! :)

It's so awesome that HE gets to run through the tunnel
now and that he gets his own snack at the end of
the game. Well that's why they play the game right?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Catch me IF you can!

Jordyn had her first official project for school. All first graders had to design
a trap to see if they could catch a leprechaun. After lots of brainstorming
and 3 projects later (long story!), we came up with the
Shamrock Olympics! How could a leprechaun resist trying
to win a Gold Medal?

Here's Jordyn getting straight to work...

And here's the final project.
When the leprechaun
landed from his attempt at winning the goal in the
long jump, he would land on top of a trap door!
Bam! Leprechaun caught!!!

So traps were all set in her classroom the night before
St. Patrick's Day. Apparently the leprechaun was
too tricky to get caught. He was a nice leprechaun though
because he left all the kids chocolate gold coins.
Oh, after he made a mess in their classroom!
I was corrected by Jordyn ;0)
Hope everyone had a fun St. Patrick's Day!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Denny's for Dinner??

Game 3---
Batter Up, Bases Loaded...

Last pitch...hit down the first base line...

And how does anyone celebrate a grand slam???
With a Grand Slam dinner! HA!

We are really enjoying watching her play softball!