The morning started with two very anxious egg hunters.
They were peeking out the windows spotting a few eggs to get a head start.
Once we opened the door, the hunt was on! This year Ryan was non stop.
I couldn't get him to look up for a second to get a picture.
Jordyn on the other hand was much more open to posing for the camera.
(Thanks Jordyn!)

Mimi, Papa, Auntie Trish, Hailey and Roger came over for Easter Brunch.
After we ate, Jordyn and Ryan wanted to play soccer.
We started noticing how aggressive Ryan has been playing
against his sister for some healthy sibling competition.
But it was nothing compared to father and son once
Papa and Daddy started playing.
Those two needed to take it to a real field! HA!

Eventually Ryan just figured it would be easier to take his competition out!

Next, it was time to do the traditional Latvian Egg Fight.
Two people hold their egg pointy side up.
Then one person taps their tip of the egg on the
other person's tip of their egg and only one egg will crack.
If your egg doesn't crack, you win.
Mimi's eggs came out so beautiful this year.
They're dyed with onion skin.

The girls and boys squared off against each other so that way the
final would be one boy versus one girl.
Wouldn't you know it, it ends up being Jordyn versus Ryan.
I lost to Mimi, and Mimi lost to Jordyn.

Jordyn is just a little excited that she won!! :)

So here they are going face to face. This is serious business you know!

Jordyn's excited, but she actually lost.
I'm not sure if she thought she won or if she was just happy for Ryan!
Turns out that 3 seconds later she busts out in tears
so I think I got my question answered!

Ryan enjoyed his victory to the tilt.
He wanted to make sure that no one ate his special egg!

Afterwards, Papa comes to Jordyn's rescue and let's her
beat him in some more egg fighting.
Of course this was after a good sermon on how it's ok to lose.
Papa is always good for the life lesson! :)

Easter was nice and mellow filled with good family time spent together.
I'd say it was a perfect day.

Ryan's is already planning next year's Easter! :)