Tuesday, August 18, 2009

And soccer season begins...

Coach Daddy is at it again.
First practice of the season and the kids are
ready to go.

Looking tough!

Ryan's team color is a nice ocean blue.
After practice they decided their team name
would be the "Sharks"

Jordyn's team color is red.
Tonight they decided to be called,

Looks like we're off to a great season!

Happiest Place on Earth

Summertime is a great opportunity to
see our old friends.
We haven't see the Rose family
in awhile so we met up with them
at Disneyland.

Dumbo ride is always a favorite
Ryan loves making it go up and down
trying to make me sick! :)
And of course we had to get a yellow one!

Abbey and Jordyn are so sweet and fun together
They're like two peas in a pod!

In all the lines, they sang,
Lemonade...crunchy ice
beat it once,
beat it twice,
lemonade, crunchy ice
turn around, touch the ground,
kick your boyfriend out of town...FREEZE!
(yes they said boyfriend!!)

I'd say the day was a success!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Camping with the Oliveira's

A quick getaway with our friends to Lilac Oaks
was a great time.
Something about the outdoors always
brings big smiles!

The kids loved hiking around in the woods,
climbing rocks and trees

Another adventure was to try to catch a fish.
Two kids I know quite well were pretty determined.

Just playing in the water with a stick was fun too.

Even though the kids were determined,
the fish saw things a different way.
Daddy came to the rescue by trying to take them out
in the pond to see if they'd have better luck.

The ride was fun, but still no fish! ;(

This is about the only thing we saw swimming around
in the pond

In the end, no fish were caught but it didn't matter,
fun was had doing other things.
It was the first camping trip with our favorite Oli's
and I'm sure not our last! :)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Just Clowning Around with Proud Gramps

Every year our family participates in a Fantasy Football League
that we call,
"The Family Feud"
The two top teams go to the Super Bowl, while
the two last place teams face off in the Toilet Bowl.
The ultimate "Loser" must
dress like a clown
and wear a shirt that says, "I Suck"
This year, team "Proud Gramps" won the honor of the ultimate loser!
All the grandchildren got a kick out of painting his face and dressing him up.
Proud Gramps was such a good sport
and wouldn't have done it any other way.

By the way, I forgot to mention who won the Super Bowl...
Team "Memaw's Mashers"
(That's Memaw ;0)
Team "Big Mama's House" was the reigning
Super Bowl Champs (Craig and I)
This was our trophy from 2008

Very fun family times!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

What a treat...
We were invited to Asia's 5th Birthday Party
going 1st Class no doubt!

Mommies were probably way more excited! LOL

The limo was loaded with so many goodies for both
mommies and daughters

First stop was Hollywood...
Fashionology LA

The girls got to design their own shirt and bling it out

Their shirts turned out so cute!

Then it was back to Irvine for a cooking class at
Young Chef's Academy

They made their own personal sized pizza
in any shape they wanted

For dessert, they made California Rolls
candy style

Time to eat

I don't think Jordyn will ever forget the Limo Ride...
what a great memory