Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Our Singing Scottie

Jordyn's school was celebrating Founder's Day for PTA.
All the first graders sang Disney songs. I thought it was adorable.
They practiced everyday for at least a month.
Jordyn was singing these songs all around the house.
Her favorites were "We're all in this together"
from High School Musical and "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"
from Mary Poppins.
Ya I still can't say it! I had to look up the spelling too!

Also, she got selected to say a special part on the microphone.
To our surprise, she wasn't nervous at all.
At that age, I would of been heading for the hills.
It was so nice to see her confidence.

She was real happy through the whole performance.

And real into it...can't you tell??

Look at those sassy boots. I love it!

Another proud moment for us.
You were our star tonight Jordyn!!!


  1. what a great performance and definitely not a bit shy.

  2. You never wear those boots when I come around, Jordyn.

    I feel my superstar status being challenged.
