Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Catch me IF you can!

Jordyn had her first official project for school. All first graders had to design
a trap to see if they could catch a leprechaun. After lots of brainstorming
and 3 projects later (long story!), we came up with the
Shamrock Olympics! How could a leprechaun resist trying
to win a Gold Medal?

Here's Jordyn getting straight to work...

And here's the final project.
When the leprechaun
landed from his attempt at winning the goal in the
long jump, he would land on top of a trap door!
Bam! Leprechaun caught!!!

So traps were all set in her classroom the night before
St. Patrick's Day. Apparently the leprechaun was
too tricky to get caught. He was a nice leprechaun though
because he left all the kids chocolate gold coins.
Oh, after he made a mess in their classroom!
I was corrected by Jordyn ;0)
Hope everyone had a fun St. Patrick's Day!!